Defined Benefit Plans

Since inception, Robert Harrell Incorporated has advised both public and private Defined Benefit plans and has assisted those plans with all aspects of the investing process.  This includes:

  • Acceptance of Fiduciary Responsibility
  • Management of Investment Managers
  • Investment Policy Design and Review
  • Strategic Asset Allocation
  • Four-Factor Manager Evaluation System
  • Diversification and Sub-Sector Weighting within Various Asset Classes
  • Evaluation of Domestic International and Alternative Investment Management Organizations
  • Investment Manager Selection
  • Monitoring of Plan’s Total Investment Portfolio
  • Master Trustee and Custodian Analysis


In 2000 RHI’s services expanded and now include Supervisory Investment Services.  RHI will:

  • Identify key Plan considerations such as future cash flows needs
  • Develop and gain committee/trustee approval of asset allocation policies
  • Accept discretionary responsibility
  • Monitor the Plan’s total investment portfolio on a daily basis

Daily monitoring and the acceptance of discretionary responsibility are the key differences between Supervisory Investment Services and a traditional consulting model.  RHI’s daily monitoring approach ensures proper oversight of a Plan’s investment program and timely, professional, and effective management of the Plan’s assets.